Many businesses have come to realize that access to a global pool potential customers is only a few clicks away. Conveying your company’s products and services concisely has always been a primary goal for any website, but arguably even more importantly these days is being able to communicate to them in their native language.
Remember those days around the Christmas tree trying to assemble that dollhouse or model with instructions in English that were clearly translated by a non-native speaker? Who QA’s those things, anyway?!? Now try to do the same with your website and imagine the impression you’ll give to that customer.
While there are online tools providing auto-translation services, we hesitate to fully recommend them since we cannot fully guarantee the accuracy of those translations.
A better solution is working with local translation companies that use human translators. Byte Technology is partnered with Virtual Words Translations [] to ensure the our client’s messages on their websites carry the same meaning on the target language. We’ve create multilingual websites for clients such as General Electric where the technical translations must be accurate. We’re also in the process of doing the same for the Monterey County Elections Department.