Good Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Redesign Your Website (And Good Reasons Why You Should)

It’s an urge that almost everyone who designs or maintains a website has these days: should I give it a makeover? Perhaps start completely over? Take advantage of new effects and options such as Parallax Scrolling? Or maybe just had some flash and flair?


A redesign can be a very time consuming process, so before you decide first ask yourself some important questions. Will a redesign have a positive impact on my business? It a redesign really necessary right now, or should I hold off until I have something new to offer my clients and readers? In short, there are some great reasons to do it, and an equally number of great reasons not to: read on.

The Pros

• It’s all about impression. If the whole point of your website is to attract visitors and entice them to choose your product or service, having a poor design may be driving them away. Even if the general appearance of your site is fine, you still may not be converting prospective visitors into leads or customers. If this is the case, revisit the landing pages and calls to action and study whether they’re driving people away; perhaps they’re too confusing to read or the language is unclear. And don’t be afraid to ask your customers or potential customers what they think of the site—their feedback can be critical.

• Technology rolls on, sometimes very fast. And if you’re not up-to-speed on the newer web browsers and platforms used to properly display content on mobile devices, then it’s time for a revamp. Remember, people use the web from everywhere these days.

• Has your company grown to the point where it’s becoming a brand? A redesign could be helpful in making that connection stronger with a more prominent web presence. And this is especially true if you’re rolling out a new branding campaign.

The Cons

• Are you embarking on a quest to give your company a new look and feel? Don’t necessarily include a website redesign in that plan. Remember that your site is designed for your customers, not yourself. Instead focus on maintaining the ease and convenience of the site for potential customers—they need to be able to locate information quickly and efficiently.

• There’s no rule that dictates how often your website should be redesigned. So if it’s been six months or a year and you’re still getting lots of leads and conversions, leave well enough alone. Also keep in mind that many web users get comfortable with a site over time, and constantly changing things may not be well received. What seem exciting in your eyes may appear unnecessary to your customers.

• It’s of course perfectly okay to compare your site with your competitor’s, but don’t feel need to play a game of constant catch-up every time they do a redesign. Keep the bottom line in mind, always, and you’ll find that your website leads rather than follows.

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